

He was born in Istanbul in 1964. He graduated from the “Ship Machinery” department of the Ministry of Transportation, Shipbuilding Technical and Vocational High School and worked as a worker in shipyards (casting, electrical and evacuation workshops) for 15 years. He also developed an interest in photography during this period and received his first education from Emk. Colonel Hasip URAS at the Kadıköy Public Education Center in 1988. He then continued his studies at İFSAK from 1989. He completed his undergraduate education in the Photography Department of the Performing and Visual Arts of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Mimar Sinan University in 1994; his postgraduate education in the Photography Department of the Institute of Fine Arts at Marmara University in 1998; and his doctorate in the Journalism Department of the Institute of Social Sciences at Istanbul University in 2002. He worked as an editor-in-chief, assistant editor-in-chief and editor in various magazines. He exhibited his exhibitions named “Izlenimler”, “Details”, “Sepetçiler”, “Architectures” and “Öyküler” in various events. He won nearly 170 awards in national and international competitions. More than 200 of his articles were published in various magazines. He gave many conferences in Turkey and abroad. Nearly 50 of his papers were accepted to national and international symposiums. He gave more than 30 shows in Turkey and abroad. His photographs were exhibited in more than 40 countries. He was both the director of photography and director of 8 documentary films. Due to his success in international competitions; he was honored with the titles of AFIAP (Artist of FIAP) by FIAP (International Federation of Photographic Art) in 2001, EFIAP (Excellence of FIAP) in 2023 and QPSA by PSA (Photographic Society of America). He completed the research projects “Kaybolan Meslekler” in 2003, “Denemeler” in 2004, “Atatürk Fotoğraflarının Çekilmesi ve Arşivlenmesi” in 2007, “Atatürk ve Kadın” in 2008, “Fotoğrafla Geçen Hayatlar” in 2010 and “Anadolu’nun Yalnız Atları; Yılkılar” in 2023. In 2003, he was selected as the “Millennium Photographer” by taking part in the project “Photographers of The End of The Millennium” supported by the Spanish Confederation of Photography. He became an assistant professor in 2002, an associate professor in 2004 and a professor in 2009. He served as a faculty member, department head, assistant dean, conservatory director, institute director and dean at Marmara University, Kocaeli University and Istanbul Aydın University for 30 years. He published 22 books in the field of photography and albums of his exhibitions named “Mimariler”, “Sepetçiler” and “Öyküler”. He wrote chapters in various books. Kanburoğlu continues to work as a director and cinematographer in documentary films and continues his academic studies at Istanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Cartoons and Animation.